Design & Inspiration Today: TOYS & JOYS in the Heights


with your Heights neighbors and friends
at the Houston Heights Association
December 11th Monthly Meeting
Doors Open at 6:30 pm
Program Starts at 7:00 pm
at the Heights Fire Station
Bring a New Unwrapped Toy
for the Constable Rosen Annual Toy Drive
Meet Constable Rosen and his team
Special Visit by the famous Heights Santa
Very Special Thanks to HHA Constable Program Chair Tera Starr for making it happen!

Local Performances by Area Youth
and Heights Stages
Very Special Thanks to HHA Education Chair Barrett-Donahue-Mink for making it happen!

Kids Kraft Cookie decorating
at the Imagination Station

Adult & kid Friendly Refreshments

MEET: Everyone’s Invited! Learn about what’s New and Next in the Neighborhood
and meet new neighbors and friends
Very Special Thank-You
to Donna & Jim Bennett for hosting the HHA Welcome Table

HHA Monthly Meeting Program Chair: Angela DeWree


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