Design & Inspiration Today: It's a First for Houston

Growing up in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, and spending time every chance I could exploring the gorgeous Pacific Northwest, Stanislaus National Forest, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite --- Trees are part of the DNA of our very existence here on earth. The best time to plant a tree is 30 years ago, the next best time is Today. It is with absolute joy that the hard work and steadfast commitment of amazing neighbors and friends - members of Heights Urban Forestry in our historic Heights neighborhood- achieved the City Of Houston's first designation for protection of mature Trees. The trees on Yale were first planted by the community in 1987. It takes time for Heights Trees to Reach their Prime. On Wednesday, June 22nd, with support from Council Member Cohen, City Council unanimously approved Houston’s first Green Corridor for Yale Street from the intersection of Yale at 6th Street to the intersection of 19th Street. The Yale Stre...