design & inspiration today: Later, Steve

Hello & Good-bye Steve Minatra "Later, Steve" A collection of art on postcards sent to a few lucky people by the late great Steve Minatra: an app created by Brock Henderson Steve Minatra Atelier 97 Dennis Our friend and colleague, Steve Minatra was a brilliant force of nature. He shared his unique & wo nderful brand of artistic expression with each one of us everyday & in every way. At work Steve was the go-to guy for his clients, his team and on every project. He arrived in his signature white van, which was upholstered in a fluorescent galaxy carpet and wall-papered in bumper stickers, magnets, and odes to popular culture. Steve cultivated a curated collection of tool kits, work buckets, and industrial travel cases filled with an unbelievable selection of every conceavable tool, tape, screw, adhesive, cleaners, zip ties, stretch wrap, bolts, wheels and wir...