SACRED ROK • celebrating wild spaces and inspiring places

Vote for Ron Kauk of SACRED ROK--- an amazing program that introduces at risk youth to amazing natural spaces and inspiring places. Sacred Rok is competing for a $25,000 "crowd sourcing" grant from The North Face< >. This is a popularity contest and it is all done on FaceBook. You need a Facebook account to vote. You can vote once a day, and please vote every day until July 18. 1. Go to to vote. Bookmark this site so you can easily vote every day. 2. There are 10 nonprofits with little film clips. Make sure to find the Sacred Rok video and click on VOTE. (It is easy to accidentally vote for the wrong one.) We will use the funds to continue taking kids from juvenile hall in Merced to Yosemite. This is a unique partnership with Probation and a wonderful opportunity for these kids to get away to a healing environment. Ron has ...