CELEBRATE with your Heights neighbors and friends at the Houston Heights Association December 11th Monthly Meeting Doors Open at 6:30 pm Program Starts at 7:00 pm at the Heights Fire Station GIVE: Bring a New Unwrapped Toy for the Constable Rosen Annual Toy Drive Meet Constable Rosen and his team with Special Visit by the famous Heights Santa #heightssanta Very Special Thanks to HHA Constable Program Chair Tera Starr for making it happen! ENJOY: Local Performances by Area Youth and Heights Stages Very Special Thanks to HHA Education Chair Barrett-Donahue-Mink for making it happen! MAKE: Kids Kraft Cookie decorating at the Imagination Station DELIGHT: Adult & kid Friendly Refreshments MEET: Everyone’s Invited! Learn about what’s New and Next in the Neighborhood and meet new neighbors and friends Very Special Thank-You to Donna & Jim Bennett for hosting the HHA Welcome Table HHA Monthly Meeting Program Chair: Angela DeWree #heightssanta #houstonheightsassociation #designan...