design & inspiration today: Giving Tree
A celebrated climber, Ron Kauk has devoted his life to enlightening youth about the beauty, and lessons that nature teaches with his organization in Yosemite - Sacred Rok.
founder Ron Kauk
speaks from the heart about transforming young lives
by introducing them to the magic of nature
Understanding the Wisdom of Nature
As we have a decade of experience learning from our youth the value of facilitating the ceremony of nature we are extremely honored to have partnered with San Benito County Probation for five years. Through day trips to Pinnacles National Park, where board member Steve Shackleton served as Super Intendant, and camping trips to The World Heritage Site of Yosemite National Park, a unique opportunity has been provided for all of us to gather in such beautiful places that our parks provide.
These are incredible classrooms for the entire world and the experiences of our youth is proof of the importance of building a foundation with nature.
Our young people’s own accounts of their last camping trip supports the commitment we have always had for the simplicity of helping our kids respect nature and through that to respect themselves.
So I got to go Yosemite, it was so beautiful nothing you would think of! The water is very pure and clear and taste so good. We got to sleep outside in a tent. It didn’t even feel like we were locked up. I had never even been there before and to say I got to go while I was locked up is crazy. There are beautiful trees, mountains, creeks, everything about it was cool. We talked and talked about anything and everything. We talked about how you can be educated in many ways than just school. I think this experience was important in many ways because it lets us get away from all the stress and pain we go through. It made me feel like I am not myself but someone better; I can be someone better than I was. It's crazy to think the things you have to do to get here. - JG

When I was pulled out of class I thought I was in trouble, but no we packed our stuff and jumped in the van and were on our way to Yosemite. I had never gone to Yosemite so I was excited. I had heard about it and seen pictures of waterfalls and stuff so I couldn’t wait. The ride up was bumpy but we stopped at a bomb restaurant. The view of the Yosemite was beautiful, all the trees and creeks. When we first got there we took a walk, we met Ron who a super chill guy. We talked, real talk, Ron understands our struggles. When we talked I felt good, no matter what I said Ron always has something positive to say. Super cool vibes! We went on super cool hikes, all in all, the trip was one for the books! Something I will never forget! - MV

Going to Yosemite I realized how beautiful life really is and how there is so much more to do in life than to be getting in trouble. There are better things to do like hiking, and being around family. Being around Ron and the amazing people I was with made me feel so happy. This experience made want to start being around family again and do positive things in life. I never thought I would go hike up 8 miles in my life, going to Yosemite made me feel like a whole new person. - AL
My experience at Yosemite National Park was the best experience I've ever had. Yosemite is a great place to be, to feel and be you. You're able to get thigs off your mind and have fun. There are so many beautiful things to see! Now it's your turn!!! - EL
Our collective future depends on the ability for the next generation to understand the natural laws. This is what we mean by education nature’s way.
We deeply appreciate your support to continue with our commitment to the higher education available from the wisdom of nature.
With Respect,
Ron Kauk
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