Design & Inspiration Today: Time for Pie • Let's Bake!

ALL Home & Pro Pie bakers & Makers Sign-up with your Pie at the Heights Fire Station Sweet or Savory Free to Enter Free to Attend gift of logo t-shirt for each pie Free to Enter Free to Attend Doors Open at 6:30pm DJ with Music Adult & Kid Friendly Beverages Meet Culinary Star Judges Door Prizes --- Eat Pie! 10 Culinary Star Judges this Year Judge #1 Culinary Star Alli Jarrett of Harold's in the Heights. Alli is a Heights Fan Favorite - bringing her culinary chops & artisan cocktails to 19th Street in the Heights. JUDGE #2 - David Leftwich a Houston-based writer, editor, and poet. Co-founder and executive editor of Sugar & Rice , a Gulf Coast food and culture journal. Co-host of the Full Menu , a monthly discussion about Houston-area restau...