October Fests

Celebrate Fall OCTOBER FESTS HOUSTON HEIGHTS ASSOCIATION MON OCT 10 MONTHLY MEETING • 6:30 PM SPECIAL GUESTS The Houston Farmers Market shares it’s history, happenings, vendors with goods for purchase, and door prizes from Wild Oats, Underbelly Burger + Market Baskets https://thehoustonfarmersmarket.com/ Blackwood Sky Farm https://blackwoodland.org/the-skyfarm-at-post-houston/ and Houston Heights Association Board Candidates EVERYONE IS INVITED Mix & Mingle with neighbor and friends Adult & Kid Friendly Refreshments Learn about the HHA Membership, Events, Parks and Neighborhood News! Upcoming Meetings NOVEMBER 14th - HHA Business Member Showcase DECEMBER 12th - Celebrate the Holidays with HHA HHA Monthly Meeting Program Chair: Angela DeWree Shout-out to Rich Anhorn for his awesome images of the evening. Shout-out to Houston Farmers Market on Airline and gracious door prizes to Wild Oats & Under Belly Burger, pop-up by R-C Ranch Texas Craft Meats https://l...